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Netherlands & Australia take Russia to UN aviation body over MH17

 The Netherlands and Australia have initiated legal action against Russia at the international civil aviation authority ICAO over the downing of flight MH17. The ICAO is a specialised United Nations agency responsible for the development of safe international air transport.
All 298 people on board died when a Russian-made Buk missile hit the plane as it flew over eastern Ukraine in 2014. The Netherlands and Australia are both holding Russia responsible for the attack. The legal action is unconnected to the current situation in Ukraine.
‘The government will continue to do everything in its power to hold Russia accountable for the downing of flight MH17 and to maintain international law,’ Dutch foreign minister Wopke Hoekstra said in a statement. ‘The death of 298 civilians, including 196 Dutch, cannot and must not remain without consequences.
The current events in Ukraine underline the crucial importance of this.’ Infrastructure minister Mark Harbers said the Netherlands wants international recognition for Russia’s role in the tragedy. ‘That is what the relatives have a right to,’ he said. ‘In addition, the cabinet is doing all it can to improve flight safety and prevent a disaster such as MH17 from happening again.’


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