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The Netherlands drops masks , social distancing & coronavirus passes..!!

 The Netherlands abandons most of the remaining coronavirus measures on Friday, including the use of face masks, coronavirus passes and social distancing. Here’s what you need to know: 

What changes? 

The use of the coronavirus pass will be suspended. Cafes and bars will no longer have to close at 1:00 am and can revert to their pre-pandemic opening hours. Social distancing will end. Face masks will only be required in public transport and on planes.
Visitors must have a negative coronavirus test to attend a club or indoor event (1G) with more than 500 people without fixed seating, but there will be no testing for outdoor events. 

 People coming to the Netherlands from high risk countries outside the EU will still have to have a negative test to travel. The number of infections in a foreign country will no longer be key in determining the risk level in a given country. The quarantine requirement on returning to the Netherlands also ends. Use the travel requirements tool (English) 

What comes next ?
The basic rules, such as test if you have symptoms and wash your hands regularly, remain in force. At a certain point the cabinet will adopt the OMT advice to stop offering tests for everyone. The government will look again at the impact of the changes on infections on March 15.(Dutch.nl)

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