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Dr.Salai Tun Than



            Born in Midon, Burma - 31st March 1928
First Degree - B.Sc (Agriculture) 1949-53 in Mandalay, Burma
Selected as state scholar and studied in USA
M.S in Agronomy in the University of Georgia in Athens , USA 1954-55
P.hD University of Wisconsin, USA 1955-1959.

Post Doctorial Fellow - University of Florida, USA 1961
Processor & Dean (retired) of Yezin Agricultural University, Burma 1959-90
Imprisoned 7 years for peaceful demonstration in front of the Rangoon City Hall 2001
Tji Hak-Soon, “Justice and Peace” award honored in Korea 2007
Now Dr Salai Tun Than is living in San Francisco, USA 2008.
His solo protest in 2001 at Rangoon City Hall is remarkable of peaceful demonstration for Burma Democracy.


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