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The existence of ethnic Chin nationalities in the Netherlands.


When we traced back, over the past two decades, the history of the Chin people resettlement in the Netherlands, they were a minority, asylum seekers group that fled from Myanmar, also known as Burma to neighboring countries to escape ethnic, political and religious persecution by the Burmese military dictatorship regime since 1962. In 2001, Peter Thang Mang came to the Netherlands as a refugee through Malaysia, resettling in Geldermalsen. Later on, much more numbers of the Chin ethnic nationalities came to the Netherlands, the years of 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 and so on.

These people are predominantly oppressed by ruthless Burmese military dictators, and live in the Chin state, Bago Division, Ayeyarwady division, Magwe division, Rakhine State and Sagaing Region of Myanmar, but are also spread throughout Burma, Bangladesh, India, Thailand,Singapore, New Zealand,Australia,U S A, Canada and Europe.

The Chin speak a variety of related their native tribes languages. Despite of,  the Chin people variously about forty-five dialects are spoken, they enthusiastically have been formed their communities by global across around the world where they relocated, including the Netherlands, to preserving its nationalities such as a very uniqueness rich culture, social cohesion and which they believe and belong Christianity religion. 

The Chin people collaborate in their community with solidarity even though they are a diverse ethnic tribal group. So, they formed a Chin family in 2008 with a small group of fifteen people. This community gradually and progressively became bigger numbers and with 115 people, they were designated as Chin Community the Netherlands on November 26, 2021 and officially registered and integrated in registered.

The Chin culture and religion together form an significant part of Chin society. Furthermore, historically the two elements are closely and inseparably intertwined with one another. In modern times, Christian religion is deeply rooted in Chin society. Let, the existence of the Chin nationalities be living on the planet.  

 By Salai Sang Lian Mang Thianhlun.

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